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Main configuration file

LRSync main configuration file is the lrsync.ini file located in $HOME/.lrsync. This file and the $HOME/.lrsync are created the first time LRSync is run if they do not exist. The default contents are:

# Configuration file for LRSync
# Note: all keys should be written in UPPER CASE
# Location of the catalog repository
# Uncomment if the repo needs to be locked

# Sample catalog configuration
# Catalog named MyPhotos.lrcat
# Directory where MyPhotos.lrcat is located
# Configuration file for the folders either in absolute path or, in the example
# below, relatively to lrsync.ini.

# Catalog named SharedPhotos.lrcat
# Folder configuration file can be shared by several catalogs.

Folders configuration

Displaying root folders

The root folders of a catalog can be displayed using LRSync using the following command:

$ ./ -q -c PhotosPerso-2-2 display

Configuration file

A folder configuration file defines the relation between folders in the repo catalog and in the working catalogs. One or more folder configuration files may exist. The file consists in several lines with one folder definition per line. For instance:

# This is comment line