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LRSync is released under the terms of GNU General Public License v3. It is available in either zip or tar.gz formats.

Third party downloads

No special installation is required on MacOS X as sqlite3 and rsync are installed by the system. However on Windows with Cygwin you’ll need to install the sqlite3 and rsync packages.


As a bash script, LRSync will be a little be more tricky to use and install than the use Mac OS X applications. Some skills with the terminal is definitly a good thing.

  1. Unzip/untar LRSync to a convenient location for instance /opt/LRSync for a system wide installation or ~/Applications/LRSync for a user only installation.

  2. Rename the extracted folder or create a symbolic link.

  3. Add the LRSync directory to your PATH.

  4. Check LRSync is accessible.

For instance in a user only installation with a symlink:

$ mkdir -p ~/Applications/LRSync
$ cd ~/Applications/LRSync
$ tar -xzf ~/Downloads/ggtools-LRSync-0.2.0-0-g9fa4867.tar.gz
$ ln -sf ggtools-LRSync-9fa4867 LRSync-current
$ PATH="$PATH:~/Applications/LRSync/LRSync-current"
$ -h

Which should gave an output similar to:

lrsync -c catalog [-q] [-r repo_dir] operation

	-c catalog  : the catalog to be converted, must be declared in lrsync.ini
	-f          : force conversion even if source is older than destination or
                  if the post conversion tests fail.
	-q          : remove output during conversion
	-r repo_dir : directory containing the reference catalogs
	operation   : fromRepo or toRepo to synchronize a catalog from or to the repo.
	              display to display a list of the root folders of the catalog.